The academic section of our website is designed to answer many of your questions regarding our degree programs, class registration, student records, transfer policies, transcripts, the final exam schedule, and graduation. However, if you cannot find the information you’re looking for, please do not hesitate to contact us.
DEGREE Programs
Our Traditional Campus offers a variety of associate and baccalaureate degrees, along with a newly offered Master of Christian Leadership degree in Fall 2022.
Not a Traditional Student?
Check out Distance Education.
Request information on Concurrent Courses.

Transcript Requests
Official transcripts can be requested through the National Student Clearinghouse Transcript Ordering service.
Our library not only services our institution but is also available to our local community.
Student Information Release Authorization (FERPA)
With the exception of directory information, Ecclesia College must receive written consent from students before disclosing any personally identifiable information from their educational records, unless such disclosure without consent is authorized by law. Students wishing to disclose all or portions of their academic record must complete the “Student Information Release Authorization” form and return it to the Ecclesia College Registrar’s office.
Student ADA Service
Ecclesia College makes every effort to offer equal educational opportunities for all students. To ensure a total college experience for students with disabilities, Ecclesia seeks to provide reasonable accommodations and services to students who are physically and/or learning disabled. The underlying philosophy of the program is to provide support, where possible, that will maximize each student’s opportunities for academic success. Working in partnership with the student, the ADA Coordinator will develop an individualized plan for services which may include academic advisement and accommodations in testing and instruction. A student with disabilities may present validation of his/her disability and request services by contacting the Student ADA Coordinator in the Academic Office