Master of

Christian Leadership



This program will prepare Christian students of all ages who have a growing relationship with God to effectively lead in a wide variety of settings, including church and parachurch organizations, the mission field (stateside and international), and the marketplace.  Most important, this Christ-centered program will help students from all denominations integrate biblical principles into their personal and professional lives, while deepening their understanding of Scripture for its application in practical situations.

If you’ve been thinking about pursuing your graduate degree, this may be the perfect time!

The Master of Christian Leadership is an online degree designed to offer biblical and theological education at the graduate level. This program will prepare Christian students who have a growing relationship with God to effectively lead in a wide variety of settings, including church and parachurch organizations, the mission field (stateside and international), and the marketplace. The Master of Christian Leadership is intended to help the student integrate biblical principles into his/her personal and professional life, understand scripture and be capable of applying its principles in practical situations.

  • Develop ever-increasing levels of integrity in all aspects of life (personal, professional/ministry, relational).
  • Demonstrate increasing life in Christ (fruit of the Spirit), evidenced by love for others, God and themselves.
  • Demonstrate a general knowledge of the Bible, including a deep/growing understanding of the major books.
  • Nurture and evidence skills needful for continued spiritual growth within the demands of life and ministry.
  • Demonstrate a thorough understanding of the historical development of theology and the ability to effectively support their theological views and apply them to practical life.
  • Demonstrate a biblically accurate doctrine of Christian leadership.
  • Become involved in practical experiences to develop ministry competencies.
  • Demonstrate the necessary skills for assessment of an organization.
  • Design a leadership development plan for an organization.