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Closer Than Ever

A New Route Provides Better Accessibility

In the 43 year history of Ecclesia College, we are now closer than ever with the Springdale Northern Bypass set to open April 30, 2018. This new route will provide quicker access for staff, faculty, students, and their families to and from campus.

Long before the idea of the Springdale Northern Bypass came about, God was at work. Oren Paris Sr., Founder of Ecclesia College, began a journey of equipping students to bring God’s hope to the world from a small ten acre chicken farm.

That small chicken farm is now a 4-Year Private Christian Work-Learning College expanded to over 200 acres. Over the years, we have seen God’s provision time and time again. Thanks to the new bypass, Ecclesia College is now strategically located to better serve the Northwest Arkansas Region, offering easy access to an affordable Christian Education. Learn more

Chad Howard, our Director of Admissions, got an exclusive look at the bypass April 18, 2018 when he attended the Springdale Northern Bypass Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony.

Take a look at what it will be like to travel to campus using the new bypass. This video starts just off Interstate 49 traveling west toward Hwy 112.

Bypass Details

As you exit Interstate 49, you’ll follow a 4.5 mile stretch of highway that currently ends at HWY 112. This is the first segment of what will ultimately be a bypass around Springdale, connecting with U.S. 412 and giving quicker access to Northwest Arkansas Regional Airport (XNA). The next phase of this project will wrap around our campus. See the full project details of one of the biggest highway projects in the state’s history here: Springdale Northern Bypass Project Map

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